
4 Questions Christians are Afraid to Ask Other Christians

My husband loves to ask other Christians, “What are you reading in the Bible?” It seems like a reasonable question, but time and time again I have seen other Christians react to this with discomfort. I’m not sure if they feel judged, or caught if they aren’t reading anything, or just generally surprised that someone would ask them; but shouldn’t we be able to ask each other what God is teaching us? What he is showing us? How he is speaking to us through his living Word? 

It leads me to this important question: Why are we so scared to ask other Christians important questions?

Reasons vary: Some people are very private, some don’t feel confident enough to give an answer, and some just don’t want their disobedience found out. If we want to live as brothers and sisters in Christ we need to learn how to ask the hard questions, and when we ask, it needs to be from a heart of love—not criticism, comparison, or corruption.

Granted, for many, relationships like a mentor, counselor, pastor, or close friend would be the most appropriate for these hard questions. But even in those circumstances, the choice is before us to either silence ourselves out of fear or push past our hesitancy and seek to deepen, not only our own, but others’ relationships with Christ by asking the following questions:

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