Couples Counseling

How can I be tough in life

Being tough in life is quite simple and easy something to do. But the question is this, how can you do it. That is why we are here to tell you things that you need to do to be tough. So if you are here to learn things that will help and guide you on the ways you can be tough in life. Relax for you are in the right place to learn all that, I will tell you on ways one can train to be tough. “How can I be tough in life”

How can I be tough in life?

  1. Be disciplined.

You need to learn how to be discipline, set your own rules and regulations on how you want your life to be. No matter what happens let your YES be YES, and your NO be NO. Don’t take it that others are doing it and engage in does things just because others or your friends are doing so, you are not getting it right and you can’t be tough by doing things that way. You need to have your own way of living without anyone confusing you. I don’t mean you should not listen to advice but at least have your own way of living.

  1. Avoid humiliation.

Don’t do things that will bring humiliation to your life. Don’t let people to see you doing things that will cause you to be disrespected, people need to value and respect you. In fact in all you do, try to think first about your reputation and what are to be said of you. So if you really want to be tough you need to avoid doing bad things.

“How can I be tough in life”

  1. Face your challenges.

Learn to face your own challenges of life without running away from it. Remember the challenges of life are what makes us human and who we are. Running away from your own life challenges is not the best way for you to be tough in life or for you to succeed in life. So I advise you learn how to live and face your own life challenges for that is what will make you who you are.

  1. Don’t displease yourself.

For you to be tough, you need to learn how to do things that will not displeases you, just for you to please another person and make the person to see you as good person while you die inside. No its good neither is it advisable for you to do. So to live and fight for yourself and the things that you need, learn to say no when you don’t have or when you know that giving out will cost your own joy or happiness. Don’t give out something that will make you uncomfortable but give only things that won’t affect you.

“How can I be tough in life”

  1. Defend yourself.

You should try to know how to stand on your feet always and defend yourself in all actions, and things that you do, both on the decisions that you take. Don’t be known as that person who will say or make a decision but later won’t stand by it and defend it.

  1. Be a time keeper.

Let your time be your life, and not when you say “be here by 2pm” and still by 3pm you are nowhere to be found there. Learn to keep appointments and time. You can’t be tough when you don’t keep your own time, not to talk more of appointment time. So as someone who want to be tough you need to start now and learn how to keep your time and not a straight person in all.

“How can I be tough in life”