
6 Reasons Socializing Is Critical for Mental Health

The speck in another person’s eye is glaringly obvious when we never see ourselves through the eyes of others. We speak harshly about people who are different from us, forgetting how we appeared to God before Christ saved us.

Now we stand before the throne of God, washed clean by the blood of the lamb, and we are called to reach out to others with that message of hope. We are not to judge but to act out our faith by clothing, feeding, teaching, and comforting others.

God commands us to spread a message of hope which, by its very nature, involves socialization. Although this is an act of obedience, a life lived on mission tends to provide a person with greater empathy which “connects you to other people 

in deep and meaningful ways.”

Connectedness will save us from losing our memories, feeling depressed, and from feeling as though life is meaningless as we age. God is a relational God after all; He said from the beginning “it is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)

The Lord was working from His own perfect, triune model—perfect relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

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Candice Lucey lives with her family in a mountainous part of BC where she loves to write about Jesus.