7 Reasons a Coach Can Help You to THRIVE!

We love what we do here at BU Coaching! There is literally nothing I love more than having an amazing session with a client and watching them thrive.

They are smashing their goals, they are proud of themselves and most of all, their smiles light up their whole face! But one of the most common questions I get asked when I tell people I am a Health & Confidence, or Life Coach, is ‘Why would I need one of them?’

Well, The Question I Have For You In Response Is ‘Do You Want To Move From Where You Are Now To Living A Life That You Love? That You Thrive In?’

It’s not to say that there is anything necessarily WRONG with your life (or you!) at the moment, but do you wish for more? That’s what we are here for…to help you to get there!

How many of these reasons below can you resonate with?

You Feel Like There Is Something ‘Missing’ In Life But Can’t Place Your Finger On What.

This is exactly how I felt 3 years ago before I started my Coaching sessions. I felt lost. I had lost my zest and sparkle for life and I didn’t know why or how to get it back.

You Have Trouble Keeping Yourself Accountable And Can Procrastinate Or ‘Fall Off The Wagon’.

A Coach doesn’t necessarily have to help you because you feel like there’s something wrong…sometimes it can be quite the opposite! You are driven, motivated and you have some big goals you want to smash. You want to thrive in life and it’s time to keep yourself accountable and get to where you want to be sooner!

Stress, Anxiety And Overwhelm Are Emotions You Feel Regularly.

Modern society has lead us to believe that it’s ‘cool’ to multi-task. We are constantly running from one thing to the other. Most of the time while making phone calls in the car while we’re driving in between the 2! This can lead to feeling stressed, overwhelmed and anxious. You will learn how to understand and accept these feelings as well as how to move through them without getting stuck for days or weeks on end.

You Have Trouble Achieving Your Goals.

So, you’ve set a New Years Resolution but then realised it’s November & not much has changed. Get clear on exactly where you would like to be and why. Then get really clear on the action steps you can start to take TODAY to get you there.

Your Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back.

There could have been some type of trauma in your life previously, or you find you get stuck in the same negative thought patterns that aren’t serving you any more. It’s time to dive deep into your limiting beliefs and work through them. Move through them, learn from them and begin to thrive!

You Are Not Your Number 1 Priority.

One of the biggest questions I like to ask my clients is ‘How far down are you on your own priority list? How many people or situations do you put before yourself?’
The answer can be shocking, but a Coach can teach you to start to put yourself first again!

You Know There’s An Area Of Your Life That You Don’t Feel Fulfilled In But You Don’t Know How To Improve It.

This is a great place to be because you’ve already been able to pin point the area of life that you feel un-fulfilled in. Now it’s time to get clear on why and how you can move into making (and embracing) the change!

Ready to take the next step and begin THRIVING in life? Click HERE to find out more details about our Confidence & Purpose Coaching and book your complimentary connection call.