How to Spot a Sexual Predator?

How to Spot a Sexual Predator?
January 4,2018 By: Mansi poddar
Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the number of cases that we hear related to child sexual abuse. While there have been such instances in the past, a more open society has enabled several individuals and families to come out and talk about this heinous deed.
But do you think you will be able to spot a person who is potentially harmful to your child? While there is no possible manual or guide to identify one, we can tell you the tell-tale signs of a child molester which can help arm you better for your child’s protection –
1. They are most likely someone you know (and your child likes): Sexual predators are not always (in fact, rarely) mysterious men in unmarked cars waiting to pick your up child outside school. They are more likely to be a person who is a part of your regular circle and meets your child often. Child molesters often fixate on specific children within their close personal network as they have easy access to them and are not suspected by the parents.
2. It is probably not the lonely guy at the party you should be worried about: There is a certain perception of a person who is likely to be a predator. We look for certain behavioural or physical cues such as dressing and social competency to judge and slot people into categories. And therefore, we are more likely to suspect the guy with shabby clothes sitting in the corner at a social gathering to be a sexual predator because he fits the stereotype of being “creepy”. But it is more likely that the suave, smooth-talking, charming uncle or family friend who is great with kids who threw the party who is the predator. Child sexual abusers do not fit a mold or pattern and are generally, the most unsuspected people.
3. Your child might not be the only one: A sexual predator, in most cases, will have more than one target. Compare them to a serial killer and you will get the idea. There will be a certain pattern in which they select their victims. Quieter, introverted children whose parents might be relatively less involved in their lives are the easiest target.
4. They aim to win your child’s trust: The nice family friend who always gets your child chocolates every time he comes home or buys him or her expensive gifts might be the one who is trying to hide something. They often use gifts and good behavior to gain the trust of your child before they start harming or abusing them sexually.
This does not mean that you need to stop trusting anyone who is close to your child. It is a better move to be open with your child and prepare them to identify threats and notify you. It allows you to take the necessary actions to eliminate the threat from their lives.
To set an appointment and explore this issue further, please call us on 9830015724.